There are many different ways to serve the parishes. To help you decide, we have classified the ministries as follows:
If you wish to participate in a ministry or group, you must be VIRTUS (Protecting God’s House) trained & certified. Please contact Carol Webb at SPN, Jeannette Cardona at SC, or register for Virtus online here. |
"Cast yourself in the arms of God and be very sure that if He wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give your strength.”
~ St. Philip Neri
~ St. Philip Neri
Altar Servers: Candidates must be rising 5th graders or above, who desire to serve the LORD in a very special way should consider serving at the Altar. Their assignments will comprise of weekend Masses and other special liturgical services. Group training classes are held annually.
SPN Contact: Michele Bloomer.
Altar Society: Members care for the sanctuary of the church. They are responsible for cleaning the worship space. They also contribute to keeping our worship area and environment beautiful.
SPN Contact: Helen Ellerman.
Audio/Video Ministry: Members help the parish to run its audio/video equipment and to communicate through social media. On Sundays, the members help run video screens in church during Mass.
SPN Contact: Kathy Norris or Tim Feeney or call 410-859-0571, Ext.3107.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: For young children, Volunteers help them to celebrate, during the 9:30 AM Mass, the "Liturgy of the Word" which is suitably adapted to make it relevant to the lives and experiences of young children. Children's Liturgy of the Word meets September through June.
SPN Contact: Harley Kozushko.
Early Childhood Ministry: Care for very young children during the 9:30 AM Mass. This Ministry provides basic Christian formation to the children through teachings and activities. Children are dropped off before Mass and picked up after Mass. SPN Contact: Kathleen Norris.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: This Ministry is open to members of the parish ages 18 and over who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Volunteers should possess a deep love of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and a willingness to serve our parishioners during liturgical celebrations. Training is provided before active service begins.
SPN Contact: Helen Ellerman.
Greeter/Connection Point Ministry: Greeters share a tangible expression of God’s love through welcoming, assisting, and connecting members and visitors to St. Philip Neri Church. They greet guests at one of the four church entrances before and after Mass, and are available to answer questions, direct parishioners and visitors, and to provide helpful information. The Connection Point shares information, responds to inquiries, and connects guests to our parish before and after Masses each weekend. We dispense information about the church, its ministries and organizations, and volunteer opportunities. We also help register new parishioners and welcome visitors! Located in the North Lobby, the Connection Point booth becomes the central meeting spot for our parishioners., and visitors, and to provide helpful information.
SPN Contact: Laura Myers.
Lectors: This Ministry is integral to the beauty and effectiveness of the Mass. The lector offers him or herself in service to proclaim the Readings from Scripture, the Word of God. Training is provided.
SPN Contact: Linda Swenson.
Linen Ministry: The purpose of this Ministry is to launder and press linens used at all Church Masses. Once a week the linens are cleaned and pressed and returned.
SPN Contact: Helen Ellerman.
Music Ministry: “Sing a Joyful Song unto the Lord!” This Ministry designs programs that integrate both contemporary and traditional Christian music into our parish liturgies. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings in the Church. Cantors serve the Saturday 5:00 PM and Sunday 8:00 AM Masses while a contemporary Choir serves at the 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM Masses. Ability to sight read is not required.
SPN Contact: Zack Steckel
Sacristans: This Ministry is comprised of parish men and women who prepare the sanctuary prior to Mass, assist the Priest during Mass, if necessary, and ensure everything is properly stored after Mass. This might include funeral Masses as well as regular weekend liturgy. Training is provided before active service begins.
SPN Contact: Helen Ellerman.
Ushers: These Volunteers help maintain a reverent atmosphere in church, assist at weekend and holy day Masses, and gather up the Offertory Collection. If necessary, they also render aid during an emergency by contacting necessary authorities.
SPN Contact: Mary Hirsch SC Contact: Jeanette Cardona or Deacon Mark Rachid
Altar Servers: Candidates must be rising 5th graders or above, who desire to serve the LORD in a very special way should consider serving at the Altar. Their assignments will comprise of weekend Masses and other special liturgical services. Group training classes are held annually.
SPN Contact: Michele Bloomer.
Altar Society: Members care for the sanctuary of the church. They are responsible for cleaning the worship space. They also contribute to keeping our worship area and environment beautiful.
SPN Contact: Helen Ellerman.
Audio/Video Ministry: Members help the parish to run its audio/video equipment and to communicate through social media. On Sundays, the members help run video screens in church during Mass.
SPN Contact: Kathy Norris or Tim Feeney or call 410-859-0571, Ext.3107.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: For young children, Volunteers help them to celebrate, during the 9:30 AM Mass, the "Liturgy of the Word" which is suitably adapted to make it relevant to the lives and experiences of young children. Children's Liturgy of the Word meets September through June.
SPN Contact: Harley Kozushko.
Early Childhood Ministry: Care for very young children during the 9:30 AM Mass. This Ministry provides basic Christian formation to the children through teachings and activities. Children are dropped off before Mass and picked up after Mass. SPN Contact: Kathleen Norris.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: This Ministry is open to members of the parish ages 18 and over who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Volunteers should possess a deep love of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and a willingness to serve our parishioners during liturgical celebrations. Training is provided before active service begins.
SPN Contact: Helen Ellerman.
Greeter/Connection Point Ministry: Greeters share a tangible expression of God’s love through welcoming, assisting, and connecting members and visitors to St. Philip Neri Church. They greet guests at one of the four church entrances before and after Mass, and are available to answer questions, direct parishioners and visitors, and to provide helpful information. The Connection Point shares information, responds to inquiries, and connects guests to our parish before and after Masses each weekend. We dispense information about the church, its ministries and organizations, and volunteer opportunities. We also help register new parishioners and welcome visitors! Located in the North Lobby, the Connection Point booth becomes the central meeting spot for our parishioners., and visitors, and to provide helpful information.
SPN Contact: Laura Myers.
Lectors: This Ministry is integral to the beauty and effectiveness of the Mass. The lector offers him or herself in service to proclaim the Readings from Scripture, the Word of God. Training is provided.
SPN Contact: Linda Swenson.
Linen Ministry: The purpose of this Ministry is to launder and press linens used at all Church Masses. Once a week the linens are cleaned and pressed and returned.
SPN Contact: Helen Ellerman.
Music Ministry: “Sing a Joyful Song unto the Lord!” This Ministry designs programs that integrate both contemporary and traditional Christian music into our parish liturgies. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings in the Church. Cantors serve the Saturday 5:00 PM and Sunday 8:00 AM Masses while a contemporary Choir serves at the 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM Masses. Ability to sight read is not required.
SPN Contact: Zack Steckel
Sacristans: This Ministry is comprised of parish men and women who prepare the sanctuary prior to Mass, assist the Priest during Mass, if necessary, and ensure everything is properly stored after Mass. This might include funeral Masses as well as regular weekend liturgy. Training is provided before active service begins.
SPN Contact: Helen Ellerman.
Ushers: These Volunteers help maintain a reverent atmosphere in church, assist at weekend and holy day Masses, and gather up the Offertory Collection. If necessary, they also render aid during an emergency by contacting necessary authorities.
SPN Contact: Mary Hirsch SC Contact: Jeanette Cardona or Deacon Mark Rachid
Bereavement Ministry: (Pastor will meet with volunteers who indicate an interest in this Ministry.) To be a source of love, care, and support for those who grieve the loss of a loved one through death so they will feel the healing comfort of God through this parish family. We are present at the viewing and the funeral Mass at which we present a prayer shawl; we pray for the deceased and the family members; we send a sympathy card and arrange for the deceased to be included in the next available Group Mass Intention; we follow up with a personal call or visit to the next of kin, as desired, within three weeks after the funeral; we invite them to participate in the Grief Peer-Support programs. Also, see the Last Rites Sacrament page for additional information.
Contact Jean Whitaker.
Crisis-Pregnancy Center Ministry: By volunteering at the Catholic Crisis-Pregnancy Center in Glen Burnie you will provide young women with education and free material assistance to support their pregnancy. The center provides free pregnancy tests and sonograms. As a Volunteer you can interact directly with the women or help with the many jobs needed to keep the center running smoothly. Women in need come to the Crisis-Pregnancy Center for material assistance, maternity clothing, baby and toddler clothing, and other essential items.
Contact Linda Rhinehart.
Contact Jean Whitaker.
Crisis-Pregnancy Center Ministry: By volunteering at the Catholic Crisis-Pregnancy Center in Glen Burnie you will provide young women with education and free material assistance to support their pregnancy. The center provides free pregnancy tests and sonograms. As a Volunteer you can interact directly with the women or help with the many jobs needed to keep the center running smoothly. Women in need come to the Crisis-Pregnancy Center for material assistance, maternity clothing, baby and toddler clothing, and other essential items.
Contact Linda Rhinehart.
F.I.S.H. Ministry (Fellowship In Serving Him): This Ministry is intended to offer assistance to seniors and others in the parish who may be in a time of need due to age, health circumstances, or other life difficulties. We offer to perform neighborly services, such as providing a meal; giving a ride to Mass or to an appointment; keeping in touch by phone, mail, or a visit; picking up a prescription or a few groceries; doing a little yard work; and praying for the person at their request.
SPN Contact: Bobbie Whitney.
Food Pantry: The Pantry at St. Philip Neri is committed to sharing the love of Jesus by feeding the hungry, as set forth in the first Corporal Work of Mercy. The Pantry serves 60 households experiencing food insecurity in Northern Anne Arundel County during an average month. Annually, we distribute more than $36,000 worth of groceries to our neighbors in need. We could not accomplish this work of charity without the partnership of the Anne Arundel County Food Bank and the generosity of the St. Philip Neri Parish community. All parishioners are invited to participate in our efforts through food and monetary donations, volunteering time, and offering prayers.
SPN Contact: Carmen Rachid.
SPN Contact: Bobbie Whitney.
Food Pantry: The Pantry at St. Philip Neri is committed to sharing the love of Jesus by feeding the hungry, as set forth in the first Corporal Work of Mercy. The Pantry serves 60 households experiencing food insecurity in Northern Anne Arundel County during an average month. Annually, we distribute more than $36,000 worth of groceries to our neighbors in need. We could not accomplish this work of charity without the partnership of the Anne Arundel County Food Bank and the generosity of the St. Philip Neri Parish community. All parishioners are invited to participate in our efforts through food and monetary donations, volunteering time, and offering prayers.
SPN Contact: Carmen Rachid.
Gabriel Network's Angel Friend Ministry: The Gabriel Network empowers a committed network of Christian churches to serve by providing practical, emotional, and spiritual support through pregnancy and beyond. An Angel Friend Team is a group of trained, church-based volunteers. Angel Friend volunteers provide loving, personal, long-term service to pregnant women, babies, and families.
Contact Virginia Grimm
Grief Peer-Support: To be a source of guidance and support to adults who are living with the grief associated with the death of a loved one so they will experience the mysterious healing power of grief and mourning. We provide a safe place to share their story, honor their loved one; encounter effective ways to cope and heal, and to receive caring support and encouragement from others through once a month Drop-In sessions and twice a year 7-week support programs. Contact: Jean Whitaker
Healing Prayer Teams: (Pastor will meet with volunteers who indicate an interest in this Ministry.) Prayer Teams, of two or three members, meet after each Mass on the second weekend of the month to pray for individual parishioners' physical and emotional needs. Teams are available for half hour sessions by special appointment. The Lord encourages us to “ask for what we need”, and this Ministry strives to help those in need to do just that!
SPN Contact: Theresa Sass.
Contact Virginia Grimm
Grief Peer-Support: To be a source of guidance and support to adults who are living with the grief associated with the death of a loved one so they will experience the mysterious healing power of grief and mourning. We provide a safe place to share their story, honor their loved one; encounter effective ways to cope and heal, and to receive caring support and encouragement from others through once a month Drop-In sessions and twice a year 7-week support programs. Contact: Jean Whitaker
Healing Prayer Teams: (Pastor will meet with volunteers who indicate an interest in this Ministry.) Prayer Teams, of two or three members, meet after each Mass on the second weekend of the month to pray for individual parishioners' physical and emotional needs. Teams are available for half hour sessions by special appointment. The Lord encourages us to “ask for what we need”, and this Ministry strives to help those in need to do just that!
SPN Contact: Theresa Sass.
Home-bound Visitation: This Ministry is charged with bringing the love and compassion of Christ to those parishioners who are confined to the home. Visits are made every one or two weeks. A listening ear, a friendly smile, and a willingness to pray together are the key components of the visit. Bringing Holy Eucharist to the individual might also be part of the visit.
SPN Contacts: Father Larry and Judy Cortina.
SPN Contacts: Father Larry and Judy Cortina.
Homeless Ministry: This Ministry helps those in need within our community. It consists of hosting the Winter Relief Program, mentoring those recently placed in housing, and meeting needs of local homeless neighbors. We recognize the people God has put on our doorstep, and use the opportunity to create real relationships and intentional friendships. Service to the homeless alters our understanding of the Great Commission and changes us into the disciples God uses to accomplish His plan. Contact Donna Scott.
Hospital Visitation: This Ministry is charged with visiting the sick once or twice a month at our local hospital, Baltimore/Washington Medical Center. Bringing Holy Eucharist to the individual is usually part of the visit, as well as encouraging the patients through conversation and a friendly smile.
Contact Mary Leach.
Nursing Home Visitation: This Ministry is charged with visiting those parishioners who reside in one of our local Nursing Homes. Visits are made every one or two weeks. A listening ear, a friendly smile, and a willingness to pray together are the key components of the visit. Bringing Holy Eucharist to the individual might also be part of the visit.
Contact Theresa Fries.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: A gathering of individuals who meet on Friday mornings at 10:00 AM in a prayerful atmosphere to crochet or knit shawls for those suffering from physical, spiritual, or emotional afflictions.
Contact Christina Crawford.
Respect Life Pro-Life Committee: This Committee supports our local Crisis-Pregnancy Center, promotes the Pro-Life Message, and organizes the Annual March for Life Event in Washington, DC.
Contact Angel Masemore.
Saint Peregrine Cancer Support Ministry: This Ministry consists of a Support Group where those with cancer can pray together for healing, share tips on how to cope with side effects, and discuss their concerns and emotions with others who are going through the same thing. Whether you have been recently diagnosed, undergoing treatment, facing surgery, or in remission, you are invited to join this Group.
Contact Marie Zeffiro.
Women’s Prison Ministry: The Saint Philip Neri Prison Ministry is committed to the Corporal Work of Mercy of visiting the imprisoned. Volunteers visit women and men in county and state institutions each week, encouraging Catholics and others to renew themselves in prayer, hope, and dignity, and aiding them in understanding the Catholic Faith. The Ministry helps inmates embrace the Catholic Faith while in prison, and after their release.
Contact Bobbie Whitney or Laura Graham.
Hospital Visitation: This Ministry is charged with visiting the sick once or twice a month at our local hospital, Baltimore/Washington Medical Center. Bringing Holy Eucharist to the individual is usually part of the visit, as well as encouraging the patients through conversation and a friendly smile.
Contact Mary Leach.
Nursing Home Visitation: This Ministry is charged with visiting those parishioners who reside in one of our local Nursing Homes. Visits are made every one or two weeks. A listening ear, a friendly smile, and a willingness to pray together are the key components of the visit. Bringing Holy Eucharist to the individual might also be part of the visit.
Contact Theresa Fries.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: A gathering of individuals who meet on Friday mornings at 10:00 AM in a prayerful atmosphere to crochet or knit shawls for those suffering from physical, spiritual, or emotional afflictions.
Contact Christina Crawford.
Respect Life Pro-Life Committee: This Committee supports our local Crisis-Pregnancy Center, promotes the Pro-Life Message, and organizes the Annual March for Life Event in Washington, DC.
Contact Angel Masemore.
Saint Peregrine Cancer Support Ministry: This Ministry consists of a Support Group where those with cancer can pray together for healing, share tips on how to cope with side effects, and discuss their concerns and emotions with others who are going through the same thing. Whether you have been recently diagnosed, undergoing treatment, facing surgery, or in remission, you are invited to join this Group.
Contact Marie Zeffiro.
Women’s Prison Ministry: The Saint Philip Neri Prison Ministry is committed to the Corporal Work of Mercy of visiting the imprisoned. Volunteers visit women and men in county and state institutions each week, encouraging Catholics and others to renew themselves in prayer, hope, and dignity, and aiding them in understanding the Catholic Faith. The Ministry helps inmates embrace the Catholic Faith while in prison, and after their release.
Contact Bobbie Whitney or Laura Graham.
Adult Formation: This Committee helps the parish plan Adult Formation Programs to benefit our current parishioners and helps create evangelization efforts to draw in new parishioners.
SPN Contact: Tim Feeney or call 410-859-0571, Ext.3107
Baptism Preparation: A Team of parishioners who help instruct parents in preparation for their child's Baptism. The Team tries to reconnect couples to the Catholic Church and to the parish. Baptism Classes are held on two consecutive Fridays, every other month.
SPN Contact: Michele Nagle.
Confirmation Preparation: A Team of parishioners who prepare our teenagers to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and to live as committed Catholics by serving God and others. The program encompasses classroom lessons, service, workshops, large and small group activities and retreats. The Team meets on Sunday evenings.
Contact Abbey Kane
First Confession/Communion Preparation: A Team of parishioners who prepare our Second Grade children for these Sacraments of Initiation. The Team leads classes on six weeknights in the Fall and six week nights in the Spring.
Contact Laura Graham or call 410-859-0571, extension 3105.
Marriage Preparation: A Team of parishioners who help prepare couples wishing to be married in the Catholic Church. The Team runs a marriage-preparation retreat several times a year.
Contact Deacon Paul Stoyell-Mulholland.
Faith Formation Teachers: Men and women who help teach religion class for children, Grades 1 – 8. They may serve as Teachers or Assistants for the Religious Education Classes. The Religious Education Classes are held on Sunday mornings from 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM, September through June. Contact Laura Graham.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA): A Team of parishioners who guide those who are either inquiring or have decided to become part of the Catholic Church. The Team teaches the candidates and helps prepare them to receive the Sacraments for the first time. The program runs from Fall through the Easter Season, meeting one evening a week.
Contact Tim Feeney.
Youth Group Ministry: This Ministry is for Middle School and High School Students and Young Adults (ages 18-30ish). The focus of the Ministry is to help youth grow into becoming disciples of Jesus through prayer, study of God's Word, service, and fun activities. The Team of Volunteers works with the parish Youth Minister to teach, organize activities, and chaperone the youth.
Contact Matteo Santi-Amantini
SPN Contact: Tim Feeney or call 410-859-0571, Ext.3107
Baptism Preparation: A Team of parishioners who help instruct parents in preparation for their child's Baptism. The Team tries to reconnect couples to the Catholic Church and to the parish. Baptism Classes are held on two consecutive Fridays, every other month.
SPN Contact: Michele Nagle.
Confirmation Preparation: A Team of parishioners who prepare our teenagers to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and to live as committed Catholics by serving God and others. The program encompasses classroom lessons, service, workshops, large and small group activities and retreats. The Team meets on Sunday evenings.
Contact Abbey Kane
First Confession/Communion Preparation: A Team of parishioners who prepare our Second Grade children for these Sacraments of Initiation. The Team leads classes on six weeknights in the Fall and six week nights in the Spring.
Contact Laura Graham or call 410-859-0571, extension 3105.
Marriage Preparation: A Team of parishioners who help prepare couples wishing to be married in the Catholic Church. The Team runs a marriage-preparation retreat several times a year.
Contact Deacon Paul Stoyell-Mulholland.
Faith Formation Teachers: Men and women who help teach religion class for children, Grades 1 – 8. They may serve as Teachers or Assistants for the Religious Education Classes. The Religious Education Classes are held on Sunday mornings from 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM, September through June. Contact Laura Graham.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA): A Team of parishioners who guide those who are either inquiring or have decided to become part of the Catholic Church. The Team teaches the candidates and helps prepare them to receive the Sacraments for the first time. The program runs from Fall through the Easter Season, meeting one evening a week.
Contact Tim Feeney.
Youth Group Ministry: This Ministry is for Middle School and High School Students and Young Adults (ages 18-30ish). The focus of the Ministry is to help youth grow into becoming disciples of Jesus through prayer, study of God's Word, service, and fun activities. The Team of Volunteers works with the parish Youth Minister to teach, organize activities, and chaperone the youth.
Contact Matteo Santi-Amantini
Church Care Ministry: This ministry is responsible for ensuring the Church's floors, pews, windows, quiet rooms, and tables are clean and ready for use. We will meet every Saturday when the Church is available to complete our mission. SPN Contact: Fran Jordan
Facilities Committee: A group of parishioners who advise the Pastor concerning the maintenance of the parish buildings and grounds. This group helps the Parish Staff to identify contractors who provide good service and good prices. The group generally meets every other month.
SPN Contact: Michael Moorhouse.
Finance Committee: (Pastor directly recruits members for this Committee.) A group of parishioners who advise the Pastor on financial matters, and hold the Pastor financially accountable. The committee works in conjunction with the parish bookkeeper. It monitors parish finances and helps craft the annual budget.
SPN Contact: Bill Varley.
Hospitality Ministry: At Parish events, this Ministry offers hospitality to attendees by preparing, displaying, and serving food and beverages which builds up friendship among our parishioners.
SPN Contact: Janice Lazinski.
Pastorate Council: The role of the Council is to advise the Pastor, through study and reflection, on how to address the needs of the parish, and how to evangelize the local community. New members are nominated by the Council or appointed by the Pastor. The Council meets monthly. Contact: Anthony Chavez
Money Counters Ministry: Three separate teams of parishioners who rotate on a weekly basis to count and organize the Offertory Collection taken up at weekend Masses. The teams ensure that all monies are properly documented and deposited at a local financial institution.
SPN Contact: Mary Hirsch or Nancy Richter.
Welcoming Committee: This Committee reaches out to new St. Philip Neri parishioners. A call is made to new parishioners to greet them and answer questions they might have. We exemplify the words of Scripture—All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for He, Himself, will say: “I was a stranger and you welcomed Me….” (Mat 25:35). Quarterly Luncheons are organized for new parish members, giving them an opportunity to meet our Pastoral Staff, get information on parish ministries and activities, ask questions they may have about our parish, and feel welcomed into the parish.
SPN Contact:
Facilities Committee: A group of parishioners who advise the Pastor concerning the maintenance of the parish buildings and grounds. This group helps the Parish Staff to identify contractors who provide good service and good prices. The group generally meets every other month.
SPN Contact: Michael Moorhouse.
Finance Committee: (Pastor directly recruits members for this Committee.) A group of parishioners who advise the Pastor on financial matters, and hold the Pastor financially accountable. The committee works in conjunction with the parish bookkeeper. It monitors parish finances and helps craft the annual budget.
SPN Contact: Bill Varley.
Hospitality Ministry: At Parish events, this Ministry offers hospitality to attendees by preparing, displaying, and serving food and beverages which builds up friendship among our parishioners.
SPN Contact: Janice Lazinski.
Pastorate Council: The role of the Council is to advise the Pastor, through study and reflection, on how to address the needs of the parish, and how to evangelize the local community. New members are nominated by the Council or appointed by the Pastor. The Council meets monthly. Contact: Anthony Chavez
Money Counters Ministry: Three separate teams of parishioners who rotate on a weekly basis to count and organize the Offertory Collection taken up at weekend Masses. The teams ensure that all monies are properly documented and deposited at a local financial institution.
SPN Contact: Mary Hirsch or Nancy Richter.
Welcoming Committee: This Committee reaches out to new St. Philip Neri parishioners. A call is made to new parishioners to greet them and answer questions they might have. We exemplify the words of Scripture—All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for He, Himself, will say: “I was a stranger and you welcomed Me….” (Mat 25:35). Quarterly Luncheons are organized for new parish members, giving them an opportunity to meet our Pastoral Staff, get information on parish ministries and activities, ask questions they may have about our parish, and feel welcomed into the parish.
SPN Contact:
Blessed Mother Sodality: This is a gathering of women parishioners who meet once a month from September to June for fellowship, to provide outreach services through Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, and to honor Mother Mary through prayers and devotion.
SPN Contact: Mary Hirsch.
Charismatic Prayer Group: The Prayer Group meets at 7:15 PM on the first and third Mondays of the month in the parish Chapel. Time is spent worshiping and praising God through contemporary music and song. Openness to the gifts of the Holy Spirit is also encouraged. Intercessory Prayer Requests and Fellowship time with participants conclude the evening.
Contact Beth Vissari.
Christians for Ecumenical Action: This ministry proclaims, promotes, and practices Christian Unity. There are three major functions that this ministry supports: Annual Mission Trip (SPN Mission Ministry) in the fall...A Men of Faith Conference (Men of Courage Men of Faith Men of Christ Conference) in the Fall...and a Community Lenten Cross Walk on Good Friday.
For more information, contact John Canterna.
Exodus 90: The Exodus 90 men's group meets every Tuesday, year-round, at 7:30pm. This group is for those that have completed the Exodus program. Contact: Dan Young
Knights of Columbus: This is an international organization of Catholic men who gather twice a month for fraternity, prayer, and for discussions on how to support the work of the parish and to serve those in need. It helps form men into disciples of Jesus, becoming better husbands and fathers.
SPN Contact: Chris Fugueroa, Grand Knight
Men's Club: This is a gathering of men on the first, third, and fifth Thursday of the month for fellowship and to plan service activities through Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.
Contact Don Collins.
Men’s Ministry: This Ministry provides a series of seminars to help men grow in their faith. Seminars run four to six weeks in the Fall and in the Spring, and often involve Scripture Study.
Contact John Canterna.
Men of Virtue Ministry: Men pray the Rosary each Saturday morning via zoom at 7 am. Once a month on the second Saturday there is a in person/Zoom rosary and men's gathering. Saturday consists of a Rosary at 7 am followed by a hot/continental breakfast with a teaching/ round table discussion on relevant topics to help strengthen the men becoming stronger Catholic men of Christ. This session ends at 8:30am. All men are welcome.
Contact John Canterna.
Mom’s Group: The Mom’s Group is dedicated to supporting each other, growing in faith, and sharing ideas on raising faith-filled children. The group meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the St. John Room. All are welcome! Just show up – no registration is required.
Contact Elizabeth Delasio
Regional Single Again Ministry (Singles, Remarried, Divorced, Separated, Widowed.) The group generally meets at Our Lady of the Fields in Millersville but all are invited. You can find them on Facebook at Single Adult Ministry of Our Lady of the Fields. For information, please email Jeanne Hoover at ministry4singleagain@gmailcom.
Scouting Committee: Parishioners who help run the scouting programs in the parish. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts meet weekly to form youth in scouting principles that are integrated into Christian Faith. Through meetings, camping trips, and many fun activities, the Scouts learn how to grow in leadership skills, and how to serve and get along with others.
Seven Sisters’ Apostolate: Do you have a heart to pray for priests? This group prays for the pastor. Each member commits to a Holy Hour on a distinct day of the week to cover the complete week. The sister may make the Holy Hour at any time on her designated day. The Holy Hour is ideally prayed in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament either in an Adoration chapel or in front of the tabernacle. It is not restricted to the parish of which a Seven Sister is a member.
Contact Susan DeLoach.
Sports Program: The parish offers soccer in the Fall and basketball in the Winter. Parishioners may serve as coaches, referees, and assistants. The goal of the Saint Philip Neri (SPN) Sports Program is to offer our children the opportunity to compete in an organized sports program that promotes Christian beliefs and values, respect for others, cooperation, teamwork and good sportsmanship through healthy competition and camaraderie.
Soccer Contact: JP Klein.
Basketball Contact: Caroline Giordano
Small Groups: Small groups of parishioners who gather to support one another in their Catholic Faith. Most groups meet once or twice monthly for 1 – 2 hours in individual homes to praise God, pray, study Scripture, and to support and encourage each other while enjoying a time of fellowship together. There are several groups composed of varying ages and backgrounds. Meeting locations and dates vary for each group. Parishioners are highly encouraged to participate!
SPN Contact: Theresa Sass.
Women's Bible Study: Women gather on a weekday for six weeks in the Fall and six weeks in the Spring to grow in knowledge and love of God through the reading and study of Sacred Scripture. Childcare is provided.
Contact Lydia Keys.
SPN Contact: Mary Hirsch.
Charismatic Prayer Group: The Prayer Group meets at 7:15 PM on the first and third Mondays of the month in the parish Chapel. Time is spent worshiping and praising God through contemporary music and song. Openness to the gifts of the Holy Spirit is also encouraged. Intercessory Prayer Requests and Fellowship time with participants conclude the evening.
Contact Beth Vissari.
Christians for Ecumenical Action: This ministry proclaims, promotes, and practices Christian Unity. There are three major functions that this ministry supports: Annual Mission Trip (SPN Mission Ministry) in the fall...A Men of Faith Conference (Men of Courage Men of Faith Men of Christ Conference) in the Fall...and a Community Lenten Cross Walk on Good Friday.
For more information, contact John Canterna.
Exodus 90: The Exodus 90 men's group meets every Tuesday, year-round, at 7:30pm. This group is for those that have completed the Exodus program. Contact: Dan Young
Knights of Columbus: This is an international organization of Catholic men who gather twice a month for fraternity, prayer, and for discussions on how to support the work of the parish and to serve those in need. It helps form men into disciples of Jesus, becoming better husbands and fathers.
SPN Contact: Chris Fugueroa, Grand Knight
Men's Club: This is a gathering of men on the first, third, and fifth Thursday of the month for fellowship and to plan service activities through Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.
Contact Don Collins.
Men’s Ministry: This Ministry provides a series of seminars to help men grow in their faith. Seminars run four to six weeks in the Fall and in the Spring, and often involve Scripture Study.
Contact John Canterna.
Men of Virtue Ministry: Men pray the Rosary each Saturday morning via zoom at 7 am. Once a month on the second Saturday there is a in person/Zoom rosary and men's gathering. Saturday consists of a Rosary at 7 am followed by a hot/continental breakfast with a teaching/ round table discussion on relevant topics to help strengthen the men becoming stronger Catholic men of Christ. This session ends at 8:30am. All men are welcome.
Contact John Canterna.
Mom’s Group: The Mom’s Group is dedicated to supporting each other, growing in faith, and sharing ideas on raising faith-filled children. The group meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the St. John Room. All are welcome! Just show up – no registration is required.
Contact Elizabeth Delasio
Regional Single Again Ministry (Singles, Remarried, Divorced, Separated, Widowed.) The group generally meets at Our Lady of the Fields in Millersville but all are invited. You can find them on Facebook at Single Adult Ministry of Our Lady of the Fields. For information, please email Jeanne Hoover at ministry4singleagain@gmailcom.
Scouting Committee: Parishioners who help run the scouting programs in the parish. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts meet weekly to form youth in scouting principles that are integrated into Christian Faith. Through meetings, camping trips, and many fun activities, the Scouts learn how to grow in leadership skills, and how to serve and get along with others.
- Cub Scouts (Ages 7 to 10) meet on Wednesday evening, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM from September to May. Contact Carolanne Pilkus or Melody Browning.
- Boy Scouts (Ages 11 to 18) meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM year-round. Contact Carolanne Pilkus.
- Girl Scouts (Ages 5 to 18) meet in the afternoons and evenings. Adult Leadership positions and training are also available. Contact Maryann Kulesz.
Seven Sisters’ Apostolate: Do you have a heart to pray for priests? This group prays for the pastor. Each member commits to a Holy Hour on a distinct day of the week to cover the complete week. The sister may make the Holy Hour at any time on her designated day. The Holy Hour is ideally prayed in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament either in an Adoration chapel or in front of the tabernacle. It is not restricted to the parish of which a Seven Sister is a member.
Contact Susan DeLoach.
Sports Program: The parish offers soccer in the Fall and basketball in the Winter. Parishioners may serve as coaches, referees, and assistants. The goal of the Saint Philip Neri (SPN) Sports Program is to offer our children the opportunity to compete in an organized sports program that promotes Christian beliefs and values, respect for others, cooperation, teamwork and good sportsmanship through healthy competition and camaraderie.
Soccer Contact: JP Klein.
Basketball Contact: Caroline Giordano
Small Groups: Small groups of parishioners who gather to support one another in their Catholic Faith. Most groups meet once or twice monthly for 1 – 2 hours in individual homes to praise God, pray, study Scripture, and to support and encourage each other while enjoying a time of fellowship together. There are several groups composed of varying ages and backgrounds. Meeting locations and dates vary for each group. Parishioners are highly encouraged to participate!
SPN Contact: Theresa Sass.
Women's Bible Study: Women gather on a weekday for six weeks in the Fall and six weeks in the Spring to grow in knowledge and love of God through the reading and study of Sacred Scripture. Childcare is provided.
Contact Lydia Keys.